[vue warn]:Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop’s value. Prop being mutated: “isCommentShow”.
Easily create and publish an npm module to npm repository轻松创建npm模块并将其发布到npm存储库 介绍 (Introduction) In this tutorial, you will create your own npm package and publish it to the npm repository.在本教程中,您将创建自己的npm软件包并将…
前端-笔试-面试-题目html cssCSS3有哪些新特性?HTML5新特性你做的页面在哪些流览器测试过?这些浏览器的内核分别是什么?每个 HTML 文件里开头都有个很重要的东西,Doctype,知道这是干什么的吗?CSS伪类和伪元素的区别?…
as_hash rubyHash.transform_keys方法 (Hash.transform_keys Method) In this article, we will study about Hash.transform_keys Method. The working of this method can be predicted with the help of its name but it is not as simple as it seems. Well, we will under…
export default new VueRouter({routes:[{path:/about,component:About},{path:/home,component:Home,children:[{path:news,component:News,},{path:message,component:…
Inline JavaScript is not enabled. Is it set in your options?
在遇到运行Vue项目的时候,报错信息为 Inline JavaScript is not enabled. Is it set in your options? 解决办法为: 在文件根目录创建vue.config.js文件 如下图
在里面写如下代码 …
export function downloadByA({ url, name temp }) {// 生成一个a元素const a document.createElement(a)// 创建一个单击事件const event new MouseEvent(click)// 设置图片名称a.download name// 如果跳转页面,则在其他页面跳转a.target _…
在路由列表中,每个路由都有一个 meta 元数据字段, 我们可以在这里设置一些自定义信息,供页面组件或者路由钩子函数中使用。下面通过样例进行演示。
1,meta 数据配置:
这里我们将每个页面的 title 都写在 meta 中来统…
//html<view class"say_item" bindtap"open" data-id"{{item.id}}">//js
open (e) { //点赞点击事件
let dynamicId e.currentTarget.dataset.id//点赞的时候传的idlet allNewsList this.data.list//列表数组for (let i 0; i &l…
回调函数的嵌套Writing unit tests can be fun but also tricky, especially if you’re testing code that may not have been written with unit testing in mind.编写单元测试可能很有趣,但也很棘手,特别是如果您要测试的代码可能没有考虑到单元测试的…
react测试组件Unit testing, and in our case, testing components, is a key element of any scalable and maintainable project. That truism is even more obvious now in the age of independent and shareable components. When sharing components between projects, te…
react框架是后端框架吗So far, 2020 has been a slow year for me in general because of the current situation of the world. But if we look at the tech world, 2020 seems the forecast is not at its end. As we are in a quick-moving industry, it is indeed good to …
shopify主题开发There are certain things that do not change over time: all dev tutorials start with a “hello world” example, junior developers want senior salaries and the world of e-commerce stands on the shoulders of JQuery.有些事情并不会随着时间的推移而…
什么是Web组件? (What are Web Components?) Web components are custom, reusable web elements which encapsulate functionality, markup structure and styling by using vanilla javascript/HTML/CSS along with native Web APIs.Web组件是可重用的自定义Web元…
vue启动时出现以下问题: 出现问题的原因:Eslint的检测机制。 解决方法①:在build/webpack.base.conf.js文件中注释掉第44行代码,如下图,重新yarn start 或者npm run dev 解决方法②:在config/index.js文件…
传统的方法是,只在一个标签中遍历数据,但是要把数据放在 ul 中的li中就很难实现
<li v-for"item in items">{{item.messag…
不是很懂,这个例子,有什么变化,不一样,功能有什么体现吗,没看出来。 App.vue
<template><div id"app"><HelloWorlddata-a "1"data-b "2"msg"Welcome to Your Vue.…
vue预渲染 vue是一个单页面应用(spa),只有一个 html 文件(内容只有一个#app根节点),通过加载js脚本来填充页面要渲染的内容,然而这种方式无法被爬虫和百度搜索到。如果想对某些页面进行SEO&a…
Vuex源码简易实现 let Vue;
class Store {constructor(options {}) {// 普通数据不具有响应式,数据改变不能触发视图更新// this.state options.state;// Vue实例中的data数据才具有响应式,数据改变才会触发视图更新this.s new Vue({data() {return {…
state 为单一状态树,在 state 中需要定义我们所需要管理的数组、对象、字符串等等,只有在这里定义了,在 Vue.js 的组件中才能获取你定义的这个对象的状态
getter 有点类似 Vue.js 的计算属性,当我们需要从 store …
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id"messageHome"><button click"showMessage">posts</button><ul><li>{{ yourvar }}</li></ul><p>Click on a blog title to the left to v…
1、有三个按钮,并排 2、点home按钮,出现, Home component字样 3、点Posts按钮,出现, Cat Ipsum Hipster Ipsum Cupcake Ipsum Click on a blog title to the left to view it. Cat Ipsum Hipster Ipsum Cupcake Ipsum …
Element Plus 是为适配 Vue3 而对 Element UI 进行重构后产生的前端组件库,包含丰富的基础组件
下面先贴出 官方文档,里面的介绍已经十分全面和详细,大家遇到的很多问题都可以在上面找到答案 假设现在我们已经用 vue-cli 4 工具创建了一个 V…
import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from vue-router
import Home from /views/Home…
* vuex in ./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--12-0!./node_modules/babel-loader/lib!./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!./node_modules/vue-loader-v16/dist??ref--0-1!./src/components/HeaderCart.vue?vue&typescript&langjs…
C#中反序列化json实例 1、引入核心 using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json; 2、核心 public static Result JsonDeSerializer(string Json){if (Json ! null) {//反序列化using (var ms new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Json…
cd vue-todolist-mastersudo cnpm install -g vue/clicnpm install(如果上一步报错,则需要这一步)cnpm run serve
import Vue from vue;
import { Field } from vant;Vue.use(Field);<van-fieldv-model"loginPhone"type"tel"maxlength"13" //此处长度为13是因为11位手机号码两个空格clearableplaceholder"请输…
vue-router的HTML5 History 模式&a…
electron使用代理Last week we announced the release of Rodeo v1.0. The big deal was that we’d taken Rodeo from a command line, python app built using Flask, to a more legitimate looking desktop app. 上周,我们宣布发布了Rodeo v1.0 。 重要的是&…
pandas绘图显示值标签Pandas plotting methods provide an easy way to plot pandas objects. Often though, you’d like to add axis labels, which involves understanding the intricacies of Matplotlib syntax. Thankfully, there’s a way to do this entirely using pa…
angular 异步验证In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate how to set up token-based authentication (via JSON Web Tokens) with Angular 4 and Flask. 在本教程中,我们将演示如何使用Angular 4和Flask设置基于令牌的身份验证(通过JSON Web令牌…
每个组件都是 Vue 的实例组件共享 data 属性,当 data 的值是同一个引用类型的值时,改变其中一个会影响其他组件中的 data 写成一个函数,数据以函数返回值形式定义,这样每复用一次组件,就会返回一份新的 data࿰…
v-for 遍历数组展示列表时,报错 index 不能是数值型,需要转换成字符串。 ps:这里只是个demo,后期不建议使用 index 值。 <el-menu-item v-for"(item,index) in routerList" :index"index 1" //错误写法 问…
aws lambda使用This tutorial details how AWS Lambda and API Gateway can be used to develop a simple code evaluation API, where an end user submits code, via an AJAX form submission, which is then executed securely by a Lambda function. 本教程详细介绍了如何使…
ESLint: Expected a space before ‘/>’, but not found. (vue/html-closing-bracket-spacing) ESLint:在“/>;”之前应输入空格,但未找到。(vue/html右括号间距) 解决webstorm和eslint冲突造成该的警告 一番百度无果之…
vue中eslint问题,You may use special comments to disable some warnings. Use // eslint-disable-next-line在build/webpack.base.conf.js中找到module->rules中关于eslint的语句将它删除或注释就是将这句 …(config.dev.useEslint ? [createLintingRule()] :…
document.addEventListener(plusready, function (a) {var first ;plus.key.addEventListener(backbutton, function () {//获取地址栏目中的urlvar urls location.hash.split(/)[1]//判断是一级页面的时候点击两次退出appif (urls quotes || urls index || urls …
vue.js 全局应用jsIf you’ve ever used Google’s Pagespeed Insights or Google Lighthouse then you’ve seen this webpage performance assessment:如果您曾经使用过Google的Pagespeed Insights或Google Lighthouse,那么您已经看到了此网页效果评估:…
ssm项目讲述A commit message is simply a message that you add before staging your code changes, and that you can see on the history of your git repository; sounds very simple, but then, why doe everyone has such strong feelings about them?提交消息只是您在暂…
[Vuex Electron] Please, dont use direct commits,
use dispatch instead of this.好好好。那我再用action传参试试。虽然控制台没报错,但却一直无…
import vant/lib/index.less
import Vant from vant
Vue.use(Vant)2.修改 .babelrc 文件,增加
一、TypeError: this.getOptions is not a function错误
问题: 用可视化ui创建的vue项目,安装less-loader和less依赖后,报的错误
分析: less-loader版本过高,导致getOptions函数方法不兼容,需要卸载现有…
Computed property “xxx” was assigned to but it has nosetter:计算属性“inputValue”被赋值,但它没有setter。 原因:
组件中v-model“XXX”,而XXX是vuex state中的某个变量vuex中是单项流,v-model是vue中的双向绑…
docker本地开发和测试If you develop in the cloud or on a shared server, you might have experienced the beauty of working with your teamate relying on the same codebase and the same database! Actually, when working on the same cloud environment with other pe…
Failed to compile with 1 error 上午11:52:24error in ./src/router/index.jsModule Error (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js):/Users/ivyone/guaguax…
作者:风不识途文章来源:https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000040766151开始今天的分享之前,先预告一下 Cocos Store 双11活动!Cocos官方微店将开启全场5折优惠,还有500份免费好礼相送,看下图你能猜出有些什么…
watch([props.count],(count, prevCount) > {console.log(count, count)})会出现以下报错
1 A watch source can only be a getter/effect function, a ref, a reactive object, or an array of these types. 是因为watch只能监听响应式数据:ref定义的属性和rea…
let man {height: 180,weight: 70,wealth: 100000000
使用vue-elementui-admin后台框架,改写路由权限校验时,报错[Vue warn]: Property “visible“ must be accessed with “$data.visible“ because properties start… 在permission.js文件中改写以下部分代码,改了try以内的代码,就…
//一个数组划分为二维数组内多个小数组/*arr:原数组num: 需要获取成几个小数组*/formatArr(arr,num) {//最后返回的结果为一个二维数组var newArr new Array(Math.ceil(arr.length/2));for (let i 0; i < newArr.length; i) {newArr[i] [];}for (let i 0; i …
计算文件hash,使用到了模块 js-sha1
该模块文档:GitHub - emn178/js-sha1: A simple SHA1 hash function for JavaScript supports UTF-8 encoding. 主要思路就是通过内置方法 slice 分块按顺序计算hash值
import sha1 from js-sha1export async function Content…
Property or method "showAreaFilter" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive, either in the data option, or for class-based components, by initializing the propert…
webaudioPreviously in this series: 本系列之前的内容: intro 介绍play a sound 播放声音 2.1. kick and snare (a fun distraction from the main series)2.1。 踢和圈套(主系列有趣的干扰)play a sound 播放声音 loop and change pitch循环并改变音高We need t…
#5 This post is part of the Velocity countdown series. Stay tuned for the articles to come. #5这篇文章是Velocity倒数系列的一部分。 请继续关注未来的文章。 Its been over a year, since the launch of perfplanet.com. Looks good and useful for people …
react vueWhile I was working on a React.js side project using Semantic UI React as a UI library, I noticed that its components are written in a way that reminds me of Vue.js components I write.当我使用语义UI React作为UI库进行React.js端项目时,我注…
vue框架是ui框架么An amazing conference regarding the Vue framework was held in the US in the first week of March 2020 for two fantastic days. Some spectacular presentations were given during that time regarding the design, feature, and application tools of…
javascript加载When building a web application, we are always looking for the best performance in order not to impact user experience.在构建Web应用程序时,我们一直在寻找最佳性能,以便不影响用户体验。 Among all the techniques to improve …
vue 虚拟domIn this article, we do a dive into the virtual dom in Vue.js 3, and how we can traverse it with the goal of finding a specific component (or what we will call a vnode - more on this soon).在本文中,我们将深入研究Vue.js 3中的虚拟dom &am…
ef延迟加载和非延迟加载By default, Angular loads all modules as soon as the web application starts up, whether they are needed or not is irrelevant. As an Angular application grows and more modules and components get added, the size of the compiled bundle (…
vue开关样式切换There are a lot of different UI components you can find on an app. The ones you’ll find the most will probably be buttons, inputs, forms, or images. They are so common that HTML even provides default elements for them! However, it’s not ra…
在git上克隆完同事上传的Vue项目,用VS Code运行时报错。VS Code运行栏报错:
the "scope" attribute for scoped slots have been deprecated and replaced by "slot-scope" since 2.5.
The new "slot-sco…
Warning: Each record in dataSource of table should have a unique key prop, or set rowKey of Table to an unique primary key前端vue中使用antd的table组件的时候控制台警示:Each record in dataSource of table should have a unique key prop, or set rowKe…
vscode 扩展 本地When standard HTML is not enough如果标准HTML不够用 Ever since the days of XML we have tried to extend HTML with our own tags.从XML时代开始,我们就尝试使用我们自己的标签扩展HTML。 The standard library of HTML tags is fairly limit…
PS D:\Git\Git_Work\vue> vue init webpack automated-test-platform-vue3vue-cli Failed to download repo vuejs-templates/webpack: unable to verify the first certificate解决办法:将代理关闭
效果图: 方法: 1.下依赖
cnpm i js-base64 --save
let Base64 require(js-base64).Base64;
let str"哈哈哈";
Type of the default value for ‘data’ prop must be a function的解决方法 在写形如prop: {type: Array; default: []}的代码时,eslint常会出现这样的错误提示,百度之未果,谷歌了才找到答案,辣鸡百度毁我青春(滑稽),作博一篇,希望能帮到喜欢百度找问题的的人~ 翻译: prop的默…
先简单的使用一下vuex,也是初学,在这里写下笔记,帮助有缘人 nuxt已经继承了vuex,我们无需安装。 第一步:在store文件夹下面创建index.js import Vue from vueimport Vuex from vuex
const store () >…
InsertInfoProject() {let that this;let flag "";let param {};InsertInfo(param).then((res) > {let data {...res.data,};flag true;}).catch((res) > {flag false;});return flag ;},此时执行 InsertInfoProject()返回为空,原因是异步请求…
drf 自定义响应I’m currently implementing a RESTful API with Django Rest Framework (a fantastic framework by the way). I’m mostly depending on the automatic serialization that a ModelSerializer provides. 我目前正在使用Django Rest Framework (顺便…
swagger 微服务In previous posts we learned how to create a microservice in a notebook using the Jupyter kernel gateway. This will be the foundation for today’s post where we will be creating a notebook microservice with Swagger, a set of tools for represe…
“Micro-services is the new black” – Splitting the project in to independently scalable services is the currently the best option to ensure the evolution of the code. In Python there is a Framework called “Nameko” which makes it very easy and powerful.…
swagger flask昂首阔步是什么? (What is Swagger?) Swagger is a simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API. With the largest ecosystem of API tooling on the planet, thousands of developers are supporting Swagger in almost every modern …
路由跳转错误....目录vue路由跳转错误:Uncaught (in promise) Error: Redirected when going from "/layout/home" to "/layout/user" via a navigation guard.问题重现及产生原因解决方式一: 投机取巧式解决方式二: 啰嗦式解决方式二: 高逼格式…
usb 2.2.0移植This my second blog post is going to be about psutil 2.0, a major release in which I decided to reorganize the existing API for the sake of consistency. At the time of writing psutil 2.0 is still under development and the intent of this blog p…
服务器客户端证书模板We’re here to talk about the rise of the API-focused application, and how it interacts with templates for rendering HTML for web browsers. The simple point I hope to make is: you don’t necessarily need to use all client side templates…
一、报错提示 下载的时候报错:Access to XMLHttpRequest at from origin http://localhost:8080 has been blocked by CORS policy: The value of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in the response must not be the w…
On one of my previous projects, our goal was to have one application that can be used in-house to produce multiple, differently branded end-products with similar (or mostly the same) functionalities.在我以前的项目之一中,我们的目标是拥有一个可以在…
什么是scoped slots A scoped slot is a special type of slot that functions as a reusable template (that can be passed data to) instead of already-rendered-elements. 上面是官方的定义。 作用域插槽(Scoped Slots)是vue.js中一个非常有用的特性…
今天修改之前同事代码, 发现el-input输入框无法输入。
代码如下 https://element.eleme.cn/2.0/#/zh-CN/component/form
prop表单域 model 字段,在使用 validate、resetFields 方法的情况下,该属性是必填的string传入 Form 组件的 model 中…
很多朋友在理解 Vue 的时候都把 Vue 的数据响应原理理解为双向绑定,但实际上这是不准确的,我们之前提到的数据响应,都是通过数据的改变去驱动 DOM 视图的变化,而双向绑定除了数据驱动 DOM 外, DOM 的变化反过来影响数据…
零基础解决node.jsexpress服务跨域问题,No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resou
flash 烟花模板Flask comes with a Jinja templating language. The template essentially contains variables as well as some programming logic, which when evaluated are rendered into HTML with actual values. The variables and/or logic are placed between tags or…
express中使用ejsHi! Welcome to NODE AND EJS TEMPLATE ENGINE SERIES. Today, we will write our first code in using EJS as template engine or view engine. 嗨! 欢迎使用NODE和EJS模板引擎系列 。 今天,我们将使用EJS作为模板引擎或视图引擎编写第…
切换检查超时时间Recently I decided to clean up all the spam from an abandoned phpBB forum of mine, there was a lot to delete. In the phpBB version that I use there is no option to "check all" topics you want to moderate. So I came up with a littl…
vue项目 样式动态渲染The question is - what will a browser do, given a page with several stylesheets, each of them probably overwriting definitions from the previous ones? Will the browser render the page using the first received css file, while downloadin…
react 服务器端渲染Part 1 ended with todos. The first one was to couple the server-side generated code with the client-side React, so that any updates past the initial page load will be handled by Reacts client JS, which is where React shines. Lets see how …
select jsonEver needed a list of all the countries in the world to put as options in an HTML select? Well, here you go. And JSON too. Youre welcome! 是否曾经需要将世界上所有国家的清单作为option到HTML select ? 好吧,你去。 还有JSON 。 …
Composition API 创建的对象必须经过初始化,如果对已经创建的对象添加新的属性,就对出现标题中的错误。
const state reactive({foo: bar});
Reflect.isExtensible(state); // true
state.baz this is not allowed; // 报错其实Vue仅仅是设置了对象不…
当执行npm run serve 的时候,若出现Note this is for preview or E2E testing only,会失去热更新(HMR)的功能。
默认情况下,执行npm run serve会以development的模式启动。但项目中中配置了.env.developmentÿ…
<body><input id"test" type"text" v-model"entry"><script>let vm new Vue({el:"#test",data:{entry:""}})</script>
vue.js 构建项目Today in this article we are going to build a full stack application with various concepts. This application is a simulator of multiplayer table top game.今天,在本文中,我们将构建具有各种概念的全栈应用程序。 该应用程序是…
web视图改成页面视图Placing a WebView inside a Scrollview can be problematic. The problem you would immediately come across is the WebView mysteriously disappearing. It IS in fact rendered but merely with a 0px height as it has not inherited the containing …
react 打字机效果At Overlay, we started 2 years ago building a Sketch Plugin to help designers t export their symbols into prod-ready React/Vue.js components. I write this article to help people create Sketch plugins and to share our technical expertise on …
父组件向子组件通信The parent with dynamic children pattern is a common pattern in Angular for developing interdependent components with advanced features. Here I would like to explain with an example using Google map:具有动态子代的父模式是Angular中常见的模…
aws lambdaHave you ever wanted to create a Twitter Bot? It’s been on my list of things to do for quite some time, and I’ve never really had a good way to do it. Until today.等皆你曾经想创建一个Twitter博特? 在我要做的事情上已经有一段时间了&…
js json添加jsonIn this article, we’ll learn how to use comments in JSON files. We’ll see workarounds and methods used by developers to add single-line and multiple-line comments to their JSON files, the external libraries and packages for stripping comme…
Vue的初始化流程,是从 new Vue() 开始的,从以下的图中可以看知道。在 new Vue()后,会执行init,再 $mount实现挂载,再到编译compile,生成render函数,接下来是响应式依赖收集&…
Kubernetes 解决spec.template.spec.containers[0].securityContext.privileged: Forbidden: disallowed by policy问题 kube-apiserver和kubelet的启动脚本中添加--allow_privilegedtrue,如果不添加的话,下面在部署calico的时候 vi /etc/sysconfig/kube…
文章目录UI组件库介绍Element UI 使用UI组件库介绍
VantCube UlMint UI
Element UllView Ul
Element UI 使用
全部引入 我们下面来演示一下 Element UI 的使用,它的 开发指南,根据步骤来做就可以了,…
启动vue项目报错:ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘E:\CordovaProject\package.json’
npm run serve
没有进入到vue项目文件夹下运行npm run serve。导致项目没有真正添加包依赖,项目文件夹里也没有生成package.josn文件&…
vue路由解决Uncaught (in promise) NavigationDuplicated: Avoided redundant navigation to current location: “/schemaManage/”.的问题
在 router的index.js里面添加
import Vue from vue;
import Router from vue-router;
You may use special comments to disable some warnings. Use // eslint-disable-next-line to ignore the next line. Use /* eslint-disable */ to ignore all warnings in a file.
Vue踩坑–‘xxx’ is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars
今天在vue美团外卖实战的时候写商家菜单滚动的时候,弹出一个报错,如下图: 经过网上搜索问题答案的时候,得到解决方法如下: 在错误代码后加入该行…
vue 倒计时 moment 使用格式化
使用插件 moment
import moment from "moment";
export def…
forEach 一個string[],只有最後一個匹配條件有效,其它條件無效。
所以,只能替換成普通的for循環。 console.log(taskList)// for (const _task of taskList.value) {// if (_task invoiceSendEmail) {// form.value.invoiceSendEmail…
Talk is cheap, Show the code
npm create app-…
前言 在现代 web 应用中,用户体验是至关重要的。然而,在使用 element 中的 el-tabs 组件时,相信有不少开发者都会遇到切换时的闪屏问题。这个问题可能导致用户在切换标签页时感到不适,降低了用户体验,本文将探讨这个问…
最简单的导航栏学习跳转实例效果: (1)index.js路由配置:
import Vue from vue
import Router from vue-router
import NavMenuDemo from /components/NavMenuDemo
import test1 from /components/test1
import test2 from /c…
vue组件转换成dom元素The thought of accessing the component instance through the DOM Element has been keeping my head busy since Angular 4. When I researched again these days, I learned that this can be done.自从Angular 4以来,通过DOM Element访问组…
vue3vite搭建后台项目-1 引入element-plus 中文包,打包时报错问题 终端报错 If theelement-pluspackage actually exposes this module, try adding a new declaration (.d.ts) file containing are moduleelement-plus/dist/locale/zh-cn.mjsdec
import zhCn fromelement-plus…
1、部文件打包之后大小超过500KiB,错误信息【 Some chunks are larger than 500 KiB after minification.】 将文件块的大小限制改大一些 在vite.config.js中,build里添加或修改 chunkSizeWarningLimit 属性,单位为KiB
build: {chunkSizeWar…
class 和 style 属性都可以控制元素的显示样式,我们可以使用 v-bind 指令对它们进行绑定
(1)绑定 class
我们可以将一个对象传给 v-bind:class,它将根据传入对象的值动态切换 class
<!DOCTYPE html&…
配置登陆解决方案 配置环境变量封装axios封装接口请求模块封装登录请求触发登录动作本地缓存处理方案LocalStorage 登录鉴权退出登录方案主动退出被动退出 配置环境变量
在根目录创建开发模式和生产模式的两种baseURL 输入:
ENVdevelopment# base api
首先配置跨域代理 替换接口
我们需要下载qs 件请求数据序列化变成表单格式
安装依赖 pnpm i qs 引入 import * as qs from qs //统一管理咱们项目用户相关的接口
import * as qs from qs
import request from /utils/requestimport type { login…
pig-ui项目,有一个问题存在了很久。问题:npm Install 安装依赖后,npm run dev项目运行报错。
1、npm install 报错(这个报错容易忽略,直接去运行) 2、npm run dev 报错 之前的解决办法是:跳过用…
一、Vue开发 中级学习教程1.Vue2与Vue3的区别2.基于Vue的UI框架整理3.基于Vue的常用插件整理4.Vue Router 路由管理详解5.Vue Element UI 菜单绑定6.Vue Element UI 表格绑定7.Vue Element UI 表单绑定、表单验证8.Vue Element UI 对话框使用9.Vue Element UI 单选、多选、级联…
plsql中trunk 表The main purpose of this story is to present a project on how to build a pipeline for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) on a Trunk-Based Development (TBD) Strategy in a Kubernetes environment, leveraging opensource too…
目录Javascript API申请百度开发者账号,获取服务密钥(ak)在网页中开发在Vue项目中开发Javascript API 百度地图JavaScript API是一套由JavaScript语言编写的应用程序接口,可在网站中构建功能丰富、交互性强的地图应用,…
用sessionStorage实现,文件夹结构如下: 关键部分如下:
import Vue from vue
import Router from vue-router
import Index from /components/index
import Login from /components/login
import Table from /components/table
Often, when programming, we may want to change some already set behavior. This can be accomplished by sub-classing whatever classes we have and overriding those methods we are not happy with. 通常,在编程时,我们可能想要更改一些已经设置…
P3371 【模板】单源最短路径(弱化版)
#include <bits/stdc.h>
using namespace std;
typedef pair<int, int> PII;
const int N 1e6 10;
int n, m, s…
java可识别的规范时区So you have made the decision to use timezone-aware dates and now you are building your cool REST API using Tastypie. Of course timezones are important to your application, so you want to expose them when Tastypie exposes dates in the A…
flask 下载 扩展名Last week I was writing a talk to give at Google Developers Bus and I needed to show how to integrate Flask and Google Maps API, as I did not found any extension to Google Maps I decided to create one. 上周,我在Google Developers…
vs扩展代码Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is praised by many programmers as the ultimate weapon of development. By the extensions, VS Code can almost code in 99% of the programming languages. These extensions are not only a tool for improving the efficiency o…
xcode提交构建版本If you’re already familiar with how to build xcframworks using command line tools, then this article is how you take that to the next level.如果您已经熟悉如何使用命令行工具来构建xcframworks,那么本文就是将其带入更高层次的方法。 …
端口过滤功能介绍(Introduction) As discussed in the previous tutorial on Map functions, Filter, and Reduce are typical examples of functional programming. They allow us to write simpler, shorter code, without bothering about loops and branching.如上一章有关…
metasploit框架Metasploit Framework (MSF) is a commonly-used tool for exploitation. In this tutorial, we are going to exploit our targets manually to automatically utilizing MSF. Many modules are provided and are categorized according to the functionalities…
This is a follow-up to Martin Aspeli’s introduction to repoze and Plone from last year 这是去年以来Martin Aspeli对repoze和Plone的介绍的后续内容 两个建筑的故事 (A Tale of Two Buildouts) There are two stories going on here, both of which Martin Aspeli rece…
🙂博主:爱学习的Akali king 🙂本文核心:vue写法——使用js高阶函数实现多条件搜索功能 目录 类比一下react写法用vue写法来实现,思路步骤:第一步:准备数据第二步:根据数据结构渲染Do…
报错内容 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: When allowCredentials is true, allowedOrigins cannot contain the special value "*" since that cannot be set on the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" response header. To allow credentials to a set…
Error: ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODE: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client
背景 ElectronVue3.3.4使用阿里云OSS服务上传。 当我使用Nodejs版本上传文件时,提示Error: Could not resolve "proxy-agent" imported by "urllib". Is it installed?。
解决方案 cnpm install proxy-agent
:is : 要渲染的实际组件,当 is 是字符串,它既可以是 HTML 标签名也可以是组件的注册名。
import Foo from ./F…
错误描述:Duplicate keys detected. This may cause an update error. 错误直译:检测到重复的键。这可能会导致错误。 错误原因:有相同父元素的多个子元素的v-for有相同的key值。
<div class"list"><span v-for"(it…
本地启动时控制台会报404,放到服务器上控制台会报405(多发一个请求) 原因:upLoad有默认的上传事件
解决:阻止默认事件即可 beforeUpload Hook function which will be executed before uploading. Uploading will be stopped with false or …
1、npm create vitelatest 下一步,选vue 下一步,选typescript 成功; 2、进入项目,npm install 手动安装vue和vite相关的依赖包; 3、npm run dev 运行项目
1、dev run dev 运行项目时,…
[Vue warn]: Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop’s value. Prop being mutated 这个意思是父组件传值到子组件里面的,然…
data 以成员变量的形式存在method 以类的函数形式存在computed 使用 get 标识
<!--* Author: your name* Date: 2020-12-02 14:30:50* LastEditTime: 2020-12-02 17:00:58* LastEditors: Please set LastEditors* Description: In User Settings Edit* FilePath: \hello-ty…
electron 打包jsTo better understand this article, you should have some basic knowledge of vanilla JavaScript and/or Node.Js. 为了更好地理解本文,您应该具有香草JavaScript和/或Node.Js的一些基本知识。 Note: Ensure you have Node.Js installed before …
isd1802ISD:国际用户拨号 (ISD: International Subscriber Dialing) ISD is an abbreviation of International Subscriber Dialing. It is also called as "International Direct Dialing (IDD)". This term stated as an International telephone call …
c# listbox使用Following operations are performing on the ListBox: 在ListBox上执行以下操作: Add 加 Remove 去掉 Clear 明确 Get selected items 获取所选项目 etc... 等等... Follow controls are using in the application: 在应用程序中使用以下控件&#…
绑定 HTML Class
我们可以传给 v-bind:class 一个对象,以动态地切换 class:
<div v-bind:class"{ active: isActive }"></div>上面的语法表示 active 这个 class 存在与否将取决于数据属性 isActive 的 true还是false 你可以在对…
react和react2I gave a talk about React at BrazilJS few days ago. The "slides" are here. In this post Ill go over what I said (more or less) at the beginning of the presentation. I hope to follow up with some more code. 几天前,我在Brazi…
react表单In the previous post I mentioned the pains, misery and suffering attached to creating and updating an HTML table in DOM land. Now lets see how you do this simple task in React. 在上一篇文章中,我提到了在DOM领域创建和更新HTML表所带来的痛苦…
工作 慢一点One of the hidden perks about working at Yahoo! is that you get to interact with a lot of smart people, and even some celebrities in the web dev profession. Rasmus Lerdorf, Douglas Crockford, YUI guys, the list is way too long... Those couple of…
ajax图片上传So you can do Ajaxy stuff with XMLHttpRequest or or iframes or dynamic JavaScript tags or... how about simple images. This is best used for simple stuff where you can have a limited number of predefined responses, such as "success" an…
导轨cad图标Finding myself with a week free, I settled down to port an old Rails project into Go. I diligently spruced up the database schemas, planned the packages I’d use, and had an internal debate over whether to use serial IDs, UUIDs, or ULIDs. It was…
使用npm安装yarnBundled with the Node.js platform is an under-appreciated feature of the package management tool, npm. The primary purpose for npm is accessing a very large library of packages that run on Node.js. But it includes a feature, the scripts tag,…
文章目录ref概念toRef / toRefs不加 s 和 加 s 的区别就是这样:toRef代码toRef效果toRefs代码toRefs效果实际应用场景ref概念
ref是对原始数据的拷贝,当修改ref数据时,模板中的视图会发生改变,但是原始数据并不会改变。 ref生成值…
Json-Editor is base on CodeMirrorr. Lint base on json-lint. 老规矩先来张效果图 下面捋一下实现步骤 1、安装CodeMirrorr、jsonlint
npm install codemirror
npm install jsonlint2、编写Json-Editor组件
在如下位置新建JsonEditor文件夹及index文件 index文件全部内容…
npm ERR! FetchError: Invalid response body while trying to fetch https://registry.npm.taobao.org/vue-cli: EPERM: operation not permitted, mkdir D:\node\node_cache
npm config set registryhttps://mirrors.huaweicloud.com/repository/np…
axios 默认是 Payload 格式数据请求,但有时候后端接收参数要求必须是 Form Data 格式的,所以我们就得进行转换。Payload 和 Form Data 的主要设置是根据请求头的 Content-Type 的值来的。
Payload Content-Type: ‘application/json; charsetutf-8…
Vue3 企业级项目实战 - 程序员十三 - 掘金小册Vue3 Element Plus Spring Boot 企业级项目开发,升职加薪,快人一步。。「Vue3 企业级项目实战」由程序员十三撰写,2744人购买https://s.juejin.cn/ds/S2RkR9F/
越来越流行的 Spring Boot
维基百科中对偏函数 (Partial application) 的定义为: In computer science, partial application (or partial function application) refers to the process of fixing a number of arguments to a function, …
AI is the future and it’s going to take all our jobs. You’ve probably heard that quite a bit as Machine Learning systems replace more and more traditional, manual, and repetitive jobs. You’ll also hear cries of the inevitable loss of entry level program…
如果script 标签使用了 setup,这个时候 export 是没有必要的,也就是使用了setup 后,就不要再写 export 了,不然会报错“A default export must be at the…
目录 a. 数据库设计
c. 后端接口解析:
注意: a. 数据库设计 表结构一定要设计好, 包括:主键、编号(code-> 含义:地市、市县的唯一标识)、父类编码(在本次…
function BaiduImageryProvider(options) {this._errorEvent new Cesium.Event();this._tileWidth 256;this._tileHeight 256;this._maximumLevel 18;this._minimumLevel 1;var southwestInMeters new Cesium.Cartesian2(-33554054, -33746824);var northe…
:class"[swiper-slide, index caseMenuIndex? active : ]" // 动态加上写死的:class"{active: index 0, box: index 1}" // 都是动态单个
:class"index 0? active: "其实形式很多,自己高兴就行
vue项目报event.data.match is not a function
这种错误一般是因为Vue.js Devtools开发工具的错误,可以将其卸载,重装就可以了,推荐一个可以下载chrome插件的网址https://chrome.zzzmh.cn/#ext
main.js 引入store
import store from ./store;const app new Vue({router,store,...
Access to XMLHttpRequest at
dexfront/index from origin
http://localhost:3000 has been
blocked by CORS policy: The Access-
Control-Allow-Origin header
contains multiple values *, *, but
only one is allo…
const store new Vuex.Store({state: {count: 0},mutations: {increment (state) {state.count}}
const store new Vuex.store({state: {count: 0},mutations: {increment (state) …
路由,其实就是指向的意思,当我点击页面上的home按钮时,页面中就要显示home的内容,如果点击页面上的about 按钮,页面中就要显示about 的内容。Home按钮 > home 内容, about按钮 > about 内容…
服务端接口 RestController
public class UploadController {SimpleDateFormat sdf new SimpleDateFormat("/yyyy/MM/dd/");PostMapping("/upload")//多文件上传 RequestPart("files")MultipartFile[] filespublic Map<String,Object> fi…
npm i vant -S 或者 cnpm i vant -S2.安装插件
npm i babel-plugin-import -D3.然后在.babelrc.config.js 中添加配置 样式按需加载
{"plugins": [["import", {"libraryName": "vant"…
\u001b[33mThis repository must using npn as the package manager…
1.示例图片 2.代码结构 3.main.js 主要代码为import router from ‘./router’,并且在new Vue中加入router import Vue from vue
import App from ./App
import router from ./router
import Element from element-ui
import element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css
var vm new Vue({//options
})虽然和 MVVM pattern 不太相关,Vue的设计部分来自于它的灵感,例如习惯上,我们常常使用vm(ViewModel的简写&am…
ivyoneivyonedeMacBook-Pro daily-cost % npm run dev> vite-project0.0.0 dev /Users/ivyone/hami94/daily-cost
> viteerror when starting dev server:
Error: The following dependencies are imported but could not be resolved:lib-flexible/flexible (i…
npm run dev
npm ERR! missing script: devnpm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /Users/ivyone/.npm/_logs/2020-10-12T07_24_45_379Z-debug.log答案:因为在某个文件中缺失start的有关dev的内容。把这个问题解决了就好了。
api 常量大全One of the initial features which were included in psutil since day one (5 years ago) were system’s boot time, number of CPUs and total physical memory. These metrics have one thing in common: they are (apparently) not supposed to change over …
Sometimes you want to change the behavior of a function call in a Python test. Let’s assume you have the following code: 有时您想要更改Python测试中函数调用的行为。 假设您有以下代码: # a.py# a.pyfrom from b b import import subfuncsubfuncdef def…
项目概览 输入 输出Project Jupyter has a large and growing developer community, one that both includes and extends beyond the Jupyter org on GitHub. In this post, we’ll take a walk through the wonderful things people are building based on Jupyter technolog…
设置 Vue.config.productionTip false 来关闭生产模式下给出的提示
import Vue from vue
import Home from ./Home.vueVue.config.productionTip falsenew Vue({render: h > h(Home),
比特和量子比特 (Bits and qubits) Quantum mechanics is weird. In the realm of the very, very small, things are not as our intuition tells us they should be.量子力学很奇怪。 在非常非常小的范围内,事情不是我们的直觉告诉我们应该做的。 Particles can …
Vue-cli3 更新 vue create is a Vue CLI 3 only command and you are using Vue CLI 2.9.6.
2.9.6 初始化项目是用 vue init webpack my-project 3.0以上 初始化项目是用 vue create my-project这是因为你安装的是2.9的版本用了3.0的命令
So, I really like the Jupyter notebook (formerly known as the IPython notebook), but I often find myself missing the ‘fancy’ features that ‘proper’ editors have. I particularly miss the amazing multiple cursor functionality of editors like Sublime Text…
ruby 生成哈希值In the last article, we have seen how we can compare two hash objects with the help of > operator? ">" method is a public instance method defined in Rubys library. 在上一篇文章中,我们看到了如何在>运算符的帮助下…
Element UI下的示例:
<template><div style"width:800px"><el-table :data"tableData"borderrow-key"id"align"left"><el-table-column v-for"(item, index) in col":key"col_${inde…
vue3、element-plus项目中,点击预览图片,并显示页码效果如图 安装 | Element Plus <div class"image__preview"><el-imagestyle"width: 100px; height: 100px":src"imgListArr[0]":zoom-rate"1.2":max…
原文 Vue.js is the new trending framework in the Javascript front-end world, and its simplicity lets you build web applications pretty fast. The structure of a Vue.js application is very similar to an Angular application as it uses components and templates…
发现的乐趣读后感Im explaining to .. lets call him "This guy" what I work at Yahoo!: 我正在向..解释,让我们称他为“这个人”,我在Yahoo!工作的内容: [2:10:32 AM] stoyanstefanov says: research, experiments, building too…
NODE_ENV development
VUE_APP_MODE development
outputDir testNODE_ENV:可以设置为其他值,比如"test",但是打包后的目录结构和"production"不一样,所以还是设置为"production",通过"V…
第三方库 cropperjs 适用于JS、Vue、Jquery
npm install cropperjs
<!-- Wrap the image or canvas element with a block element (container) -->
<div><img id"image" src"picture.jpg">
Vue.js 是构建客户端应用程序的框架。默认情况下,可以在浏览器中输出 Vue 组件,进行生成 DOM 和操作 DOM。然而,也可以将同一个组件渲染为服务器端的 HTML 字符串,将它们直接发送到浏览器&a…
vue nodejs 构建There are so many ways we can build Vue.js apps and ship for production. One way is to create the Vue app with NodeJS or Java, and another way is to develop and serve that static content with the NGINX web server. With NodeJS, we have to dea…
大家都知道,使用vue-cli可以快速的初始化一个基于Vue.js的项目,全局安装脚手架之后,你可以通过vue list命令看到官方提供的5个模板
#####vue list 当开发一个独立项目的时候,使用官方提供的template确实很方便,省去了…
react 组件名称重复Functions are a great way to reuse code when writing in vanilla Javascript. It can save you a lot of time and makes your code cleaner and easier to read. In React, however, you write your code as a class or functional components that can …
chrome点击书签栏书签Hooked on YUI? You can now take it anywhere you go. The thing is Yahoo hosts the libraries publicly, so they are available at any time. Lets say you visit a page and you want to do something with it. Comes the YUI bookmaklet that adds …
yslowSteve Souders, performance architect at Yahoo, announced today the public release of YSlow. 雅虎(Yahoo)的性能架构师Steve Souders今天宣布了YSlow的公开发布。 什么是YSlow? (Whats YSlow?) Its an extension to Firebug (yes, correct, Firebug, not…
In the spirit of the content-to-markup ratio bookmarklet, heres another one that gives you some more data points to help you judge the quality of a pages markup and help answer the old question - where does all this page weight go. 本着内容与标记比例书签的…
运行vue项目报错,报错原因是Module build failed: Error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: Windows 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (72) 此原因是因为npm版本过高导致的
在vue项目中运行:npm i node-sass -D
DOM 写法 <el-form-itemlabel"样品名称"prop"sampleName"label-width"150"><el-selectv-model"queryParams.sampleName"placeholder"样品名称"filterableclearablesize"small":filter-method"sampl…
Element ui侧边导航栏一、Vue使用Element ui1、npm安装2、main.js 引入 Element3、拷贝导航组件二、样式调整1、导航栏宽度2、导航栏高度3、默认颜色设置4、el-submenu样式设置5、.el-menu-item样式设置三、数据1、导航标题2、vue页面引入数据3、循环生成导航栏4、点击跳转路由…
前端文件传到aws s3Expedia Group Technology —软件 (EXPEDIA GROUP TECHNOLOGY — SOFTWARE) In a single operation, you can upload up to 5GB into an AWS S3 object. The size of an object in S3 can be from a minimum of 0 bytes to a maximum of 5 terabytes, so, if…
web项目开发人员配比此致2020/2021年所有积极的Web开发人员 (TO ALL THOSE ASPIRING WEB DEVELOPERS IN 2020/2021) Web Development is an amazing career that is in demand right now and there is no sign of decline instead the demand has been skyrocketing!Web开发是一…
宠物商店项目I’ve started so many side projects. Little or not so little, most of them were focused on one thing: making myself learn something new.我已经开始了很多副业。 或多或少,他们大多专注于一件事:让自己学到新东西。 Although I’v…
工作经历与项目经历Last summer, I experienced the amazing opportunity of being an intern for one of the hottest, fastest-rising tech companies in the Bay Area: Slack.去年夏天,我经历了一个惊人的机会,成为湾区最热门,上升最快的科…
代码 干净重点 (Top highlight)In a recent article, I wrote an article called: “40 Tips that will change your coding skills forever”, which is based on the things that have given me more value in this profession. In this new article, I am going to write ab…
今天在用yarn安装vue-cli时出现了错误 ../vue-hackernews-2.0> yarn yarn install v1.12.3 [1/5] Validating package.json... [2/5] Resolving packages... [3/5] Fetching packages... info fsevents1.1.3: The platform "win32" is incompatible with this mod…
1、当我们点击按钮的时候动态给 data 增加的成员是否是响应式数据,如果不是的话,如何把新增成员设置成响应式数据,它的内部原理是什么。
let vm new Vue({el: #eldata: {o: object,dog: {}},method: {clickHandler () {// 该 n…
关于索引的API操作详解 关于文档的API操作详解 查询小贴士 elasticsearch7.XQueryBuilders.termQuery()查询中文没有值? 我的字段是 name 和 age QueryBuilder queryBuilder QueryBuilders.termQuery(“name.keyword”, “淘宝”); name 是你的字段名…
3D棱柱效果 上代码 var map new BMapGL.Map("allmap");var point new BMapGL.Point(116.404, 39.925);map.centerAndZoom(point, 10);map.setTilt(50);map.enableScrollWheelZoom();var bd new BMapGL.Boundary();bd.get(北京市, function (rs) {var count rs.bo…
查找了一些资料,主要是用到 Add to Home Screen,简称 A2HS,需要主要的是此方法只有部分浏览器支持…
去官网学习→安装 | Vuex
cd 项目 安装 Vuex: npm install --save vuex
或着 创建项目时勾选Vuex vue create vue-demo
? Please pick a preset: Manually select features ? Check the features needed for your project: (Press <space> to se…
河码桌面是一个基于vue3viteelement pro pnpm 创建的monorepo项目,项目采用的是类操作系统的web界面,操作起来简单又方便,符合用户习惯,又没有操作系统的复杂!
vue3ts-tsconfig.json报错Option ‘importsNotUsedAsValues’ is deprecated and will stop functioning in TypeScript 5.5. Specify compilerOption ‘“ignoreDeprecations”: “5.0”’ to silence this error. Use ‘verbatimModuleSyntax’ instead
翻译 选项…
功能: 用于实现多层组件通信(多于父子组件通信层级)用法: v-bind$attrs 和 v-on$listeners vm. a t t r s 包含了父作用域中不作为 p r o p 被识别 ( 且获取 ) 的 a t t r i b u t e 绑定 ( c l a s s 和 s t y l e 除外 ) 。当一…
vue中播放音频 当需要给audio设置动态的src时,如果调用play()会出现DOMException: The element has no supported sources.
npm ERR! code ECONNRESET npm ERR! network This is a problem related to network connectivity npm ERR! code ECONNRESET
npm ERR! network aborted
npm ERR! network This is a problem related to network connectivity.
npm E…
Vue Element UI 实现权限管理系统 前端篇(二):Vue Element 案例
打开 Visual Studio Code,File --> add Folder to Workspace,导入我们的项目。 安装 Element
Element 是国内饿了么公司提…
在 Web 开发中,有时我们希望用户能够将网页上的 HTML 内容保存为 Word 文档,以便更方便地分享和打印。本文将介绍如何使用 html-docx-js 和 file-saver 这两个 JavaScript 库,实现将 HTML 结构导出为 Word 文档的功能。
1. html-d…
Electron 核心概念
通过Node.js、Electron提供的API与系统底层打交道启动项目时运行的 main.js 脚本就是我们说的主进程。在主进程运行的脚本可以以创建 Web 页面的形式展示 GUI。主进程只有一个
每个 Electron 的页面都在运行着自己的进程,这样…
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ??at Loader.moduleStrategy (internal/modules/esm/translators.js:145:18)
(Use node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created)
(node:30304) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: U…
Tip:No Ego Some programmers have a huge problem: their own ego. But there is no time for developing an ego. There is no time for being a rockstar. Who is it who decides about your quality as programmer? You? No. The others? Probably. But can …
若依官方的前后端分离版中,前端用的Vue2,这个有人改了Vue3的前端出来。刚好用来学习: https://gitee.com/weifengze/RuoYi-Vue3
首先运行项目 启动前端,npm install、npm run dev 启动后端,按教程配置…
问: 回答: 问:
我跟随输入git pull ,然后又以下提示:
Merge branch systemPower_dev of https://xxxx.com into xxxx_dev
# Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,
# especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch. …
These dependencies were not found
①到相关目录下直接安装依赖,npm install --save jsencrypt lodash-es。我这里是没安装成功,原因是很多依赖冲突。…
GitHub - parallax/jsPDF: Client-side JavaScript PDF generation for everyone.Client-side JavaScript PDF generation for everyone. - parallax/jsPDFhttps://gi…
vue3-element-admin 是基于 vue-element-admin 升级的 Vue3 Element Plus 版本的后台管理前端解决方案,技术栈为 Vue3 Vite4 TypeScript Element Plus Pinia Vue Router 等当前主流框架。 相较于其他管理前端框架,vue3-element-admin 的优势在于一…
vue3 ts 项目在打包的过程中报了一大堆 ts 类型错误提示,如下图所示: 报错:Could not find a declaration file for module … implicitly has an ‘any’ type.
查看 package.json 文件,可以看到,默…
解决浏览器端 globalThis is not defined 报错 前言解决办法: 前言
在使用低版本火狐浏览器出现报错globalThis is not defined
在vue的index.html 中添加 this.globalThis || (this.globalThis this)
WAServiceMainContext.js:2 ReferenceError: result is not defined
at success (index.js? [sm]:280)
at Function.forEach.u.<computed> (WASubContext.js?twechat&s1710205354985&v2.16.1:2)
at :22955/appservice/<api request success callback fun…
四、Vue3中TypeScript的使用 一、Nuxtjs安装
参考:Installation Get Started with Nuxt安装 - NuxtJS | Nuxt.js 中文网Installation Get Started with Nuxt
yarn create nuxt-app <项目名>
ref()在vue3.0引入了composition API , setup函数是其核心函数在setup函数中,可以使用ref函数,用于创建一个响应式数据,当数据发生改变时,Vue会自动更新UI例如:使用ref函数定义一个变量countimport { ref } from vue;f…
一.后端(blog)启动报错项以及注意事项:1.后台如果使用JDK17启动会报错:Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke “Object.hashCode()” because “key” is null----修改成1.8启动即可解决(作者使用的是1.8)注…
Ant Design of Vue(里面有什么问题希望大家批评,有什么好的解决方案和优化,大家可以一起分享,后面会将自己看的代码上传,里面有详细的注释)
一. 项目初始化 初始化cnpm install 启动:npm run serve 注&am…
问题场景: 未从根本目录打开项目在运行npm run serve 后报错:Parsing error: No Babel config file detected for...... 解决方法:在终端
cd ./含有package.json的文件夹/
npm run serve 此时在加载到70%之后报错 Cant resolve mockjs in .…
1. 封装date.js
function showDate() {const date new Date();const yeardate.getFullYear();const monthdate.getMonth()1;const daydate.getDate();const hourdate.getHours();const mindate.getMinutes();const secdate.getSeconds();document.getElemen…
ts: typescript ,它是js超集(包含js所有的语法,在基础上增加了数据类型定义)
let a 123,a 就是number类型。let a 123,a就…
首先,启动项目,npm run serve 然后看一下有没有Network这一条,如果有,那就直接把这个网址在手机上找个浏览器输入就可以看到了。 如果你是更改过启动项,用的是“npm run dev”,则在“dev”中添加 --host 1…
1、JSON.parse,Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1?
JSON.parse() 方法用于将一个JSON字符串转换成对象, JSON.stringfiy()方法是将一个JavaScript值(对象或者数组)转成一个JSON字符串 参考:(已解决…
let token ;//token
let sign ;//签名
let data {token,sign
function h…
前言 对于选择器组件,vant 中的 picker 组件是一个非常合适的选择。它不仅提供了灵活的配置选项,还可以很方便地与其他 vant 组件结合使用,帮助我们快速搭建出漂亮、易用的移动端页面。在本文中,我将为大家介绍如何基于 vant 的 p…
Element UI开发文档
npm 安装 npm i element-ui -S 引入 Element
完整引入 在 main.js 中写入以下内容:
import Vue from vue
import ElementUI from element-ui
import element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css
import App from ./App.vueVue.use(ElementUI)new V…
效果图: github地址:
项目下载下来之后,执行yarn,yarn run rollup,yarn run build
Vue is not defined
我因为vue是后面添加的所以要重新打包 重新package 打包一次 打包后显示在target中
在springMVC.xml中打开对静态资源的访问 在里面写入
1. Structural Type System (结构化类型系统)
2.Nominal Type System ( 标明类型系统 )
TS采用的是结构化类型系统,也叫做 duck typing (鸭子类型) ,类型检查关注的是值所具有的形状
下载代码 npm install npm run dev 即可 两个代码 app.vue
<template><div class"wrapper"><h1>My Todo List</h1><form subm…
class Person { age: number gender 男 }
const p new Person( )
1.声明成员 age,类型为number ( 没有初始值 )
2.声明成员 gender, 并设置初始值, 此…
Vue、Axios、Router之快速入门使用总结一、Vue概述什么是Vue.jsMVVM模式vue.js拥有的功能Vue.js的使用VueJS快速入门二、模板语法1.插值表达式2.指令3.缩写三、计算属性和侦听器1.计算属性2.侦听器四、Class与Style绑定1.绑定 HTML Class对象语法数组语法用在组件上2.绑定内联样…
markdown-it 版本是11.0.0 没有’target,_blank’属性,默认打开a标签的链接是本页面,会丢失之前的页面数据,需要在浏览器中新建页面打开,添加以下代码即可解决。
// Remember old renderer, if overridden, or proxy to default …
效果图: 思路:通过后端的接口数据循环遍历出点的经纬度、弹窗信息,依次push进一个空的数组,最后将这个数组赋值给data里面定义的变量。 话不多说上代码: HTML <el-amap-markerv-for"marker in markers"…
rails 调用接口Rails is great when implementing CRUD for our models, (Create, Read, Update, and Destroy). It is well structured for the developer to be in control of the data that the application has to offer and to what access allows for the user on what t…
没错,我想了想估计是我在创建项目的时候有一句话 Use ESLint to lint your code? (Y/n),正常都要点N的,我不小心点了Y 这句话翻译过来就是使用 ESLint 整理你的代码,也就是严格的代码规范,关键他规范的…
diff算法和虚拟DOM笔记简介diff算法和虚拟DOM简介snabbdom简介和测试环境搭建虚拟 DOM 和 h 函数手写h函数感受diff算法手写上树尝试书写diff更新子节点笔记简介
在Vue3中使用watch监听useRoute()的时候,控制台报出警告: [Vue warn]: Avoid app logic that relies on enumerating keys on a component instance. The keys will be empty in production mode to avoid performance overhead.
上午9:39:50 [vite] Internal server error: Failed to parse source for import analysis because the content contains invalid JS syntax. Install vitejs/plugin-vue to handle .vue files. Plugin: vite:import-analysis File: /Users/ivyone/hami512/chengzi1/src/App.v…
A week ago, I was inspired to produce a new projects page for myself. The previous one was a trainwreck with a lot of hacks. Also hosted on GitHub Pages for some reason. 一周前,我受到启发为自己制作了一个新的项目页面 。 上一个是一个有很多骇人听闻…
文件夹中文件夹层数太多发表者: admin 2周,3天前 (Posted by: admin 2 weeks, 3 days ago) (Comments) ( 评论 ) Mezzanine is a powerful, consistent, and flexible content management platform. Built using the Django fram…
word如何插入无序列表In order to implement an unordered linked list we need to construct linked list which contains Node class, a building block for constructing linked list 为了实现无序链表,我们需要构建包含Node类的链表,Node类是构建链表…
[Vue warn]: Extraneous non-emits event listeners (changeParentProps) were passed to component but could not be automatically inherited because component renders fragment or text root…
Hi! Guys! Its Sunday and today we are going to talk about the default switch component in react-native. 嗨! 伙计们! 今天是星期日,今天我们将讨论react-native中的默认开关组件 。 As we all know from normal English, a switch pr…
开运算示例Logical operators work with the test conditions and return the result based on the conditions results, these can also be used to validate multiple conditions together. 逻辑运算符使用测试条件并根据条件的结果返回结果,这些逻辑运算符还可用…
自从 SpringBoot 时代的到来,去除了 Spring 的各种繁琐的 XML 配置,让我们可以腾出双手以便于更加专注的搬砖。记得那时候刚学 Spring 的时候,每天被 Spring 的各种 XMl 配置文件折磨的不行,每引入一个新的框架,最担心的就是…
使用 vue-resource 库。
<script src"https://cdn.bootcss.com/vue-resource/1.5.1/vue-resource.min.js"></script>get请求
var vm new Vue({el:#box,data:{msg:Hello World!,},methods:{get:function(){//发送get请求,参数必须要用params包一…
Server Side Rendering(服务端渲染)
SSR 目的是为了解决单页面应用的 SEO 的问题,对于一般网站影响不大,但是对于论坛类,内容类网站来说是致命的,搜索引擎无法抓取页面相关内容,也就是用户搜不…
一、在执行npm run dev时遇到“Error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: Windows 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (83)”错误。 按提示信息应该是Node-sass版本在当前环境运行不了,查阅后采用网上的解决方法,把Node-sass删除…
mern全栈开发pdfIn this tutorial, we will be creating a simple application for user authentication using MERN Stack(MongoDB for our database, Express and Node for our backend, and React for our frontend). We will be taking the help of Express js to create t…
javascript加载2010 update: Lo, the Web Performance Advent Calendar hath moved 2010年更新: Lo, Web Performance Advent Calendar已移动 Dec 15 This article is part of the 2009 performance advent calendar experiment. Todays article is a co…
雅虎财经 apiThis was meant to be a longer posts with examples and such, but Jim Bumgardner said it and coded it better than I could 🙂 Hes been with Y!Music way longer than me and has done way cooler stuff. 这本来应该是带有示例等内容的更长篇幅&a…
css spritesHeres my last weekends project - a web-based tool to generate images for CSS sprites: http://www.csssprites.com. Cool domain name, eh? I couldnt believe it was not taken. 这是我上一个周末的项目-一个基于Web的工具,用于为CSS精灵生成图像…
api 控制键盘输入Every once in a while I feel inspired to create a little tool to "do one thing" (tm). But often I get distracted and a little too lazy to get off the ground and forget all about it. So I thought maybe a little helper can, well, he…
1.let,const在代码块内有效,var是在全局范围内有效 { let test1 0; var test2 1; } test1 // test1is not defined test2 // 1
2.let 和const只能声明一次,var 可以声明多次 let test1 1; let test1 2; var test2 3; var test2 4; test1 // Ident…
导入element ui时选择的是按需导入,需要在element.js中引入相应组件。
import { ElForm } from element-plus
import { ElButton } from element-plus
import { ElFormItem } from element-plus
import { ElInput } from element-plus
import lang from element-pl…
微擎添加新模块Microservices are something that feels very natural when you have been working with Monoliths in the past and are tired of the overheads and errors that arise in maintaining a monolith application.当您过去使用Monoliths时,微服务是非…
用法:(item, index) in items index为数组下标
<ul id"app"><li v-for"(person, index) in persons">{{ index }}---{{ person.name }}---{{ person.age }}</li>
</ul>const vm new Vue({el: #ap…
类型 是一个字符串全称 element(元素)作用 配置控制的元素—表示vue要控制的区域,值为CSS选择器
类型 对象作用 存放要用到的数据,数据为响应式的。 let vm new Vue({el:"#s…
Editor’s Note: We believe that performance should be at the forefront of the minds’ of any software developer. Kirk Pepperdine is one of the foremost experts on Java performance tuning, and here shares his wisdom on the whys and hows of removing dirty co…
1.pull下来最新代码 2.切换到dev开发分支 3.npm install 安装依赖包 4.npm run dev 报错,比如‘xxx’ was not found in xxxxpackage’
一般由于版本问题,在package中 “dependencies”: { “axios”: “^0.17.1”, “babel-polyfill”: “^6.23.0”, “…
有类路由和无类路由Well, where did those last two years go? Apologies for my tardiness, time really got the better of me. The good news is, we’ve had a further two years of production experience, improving performance, catching bugs, adding features and c…
aws lambda什么是路由管理框架? (What is a Route Management Framework?) Most software engineers who’ve built and delivered production software have encountered the need for route management frameworks. These frameworks are designed and built to …
npm 更新库版本We keep our project’s libraries up to date so as to avoid vulnerabilities, fix issues, enjoy performance improvements, and use all the newest features. We do that — but not without fear and trepidation.我们会保持项目库的最新状态,…
Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop’s value. Prop being mutated: “currentPage”
error in ./node_modules/core-js/library/modules/es6.object.define-properties.jsSyntax Error: no such file or directory, open /xxx/node_modules/core-js/library/modules/es6.object.define-properties.js运行项目突然报错了,从错误提示可以看到应该是cor…
vue传值报错: avoid mutating a props directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders instead use a data or computedproperty based on the props value prop being mutated :“show” 看这个警告写的是必变…
vue中如果报错是这个的话 You cannot set a form field before rendering a field associated with the value.那就是说明后端给的字段和你在input的输入框给的字段要不就是多了要不就是少了,一定要一样。 input的框和后端给的时间不一样的话,只要月份&a…
let c (item.value.toString().indexOf(.) ! -1) ? item.va…
cnpm i echarts -S
import charts from echarts
Vue.prototype.$echarts charts
引入 echars 5.0 遇到报错 "export ‘default’ (imported as ‘echarts’) was not found …
最近碰到了let {a,b} this.data这种情况,其实这种写法是es6中的解构赋值,相当于
let a this.data.a;
let b this.data.b;示例:
let data {a: 1, b: 2}
let {a, b} data
console.log(a, b) // 1 2
element ui 表格的常见特殊属性1,表格内容太多用...表示2,修改element ui自带的样式3,修改奇数行背景色4,给表头添加背景色及文字样式5,表头文字竖向排列(文字带括号)6,表头边框与文本边框对不齐情况7,导航栏的侧边栏只展开一个下拉菜单8,表格表头和内容居中显示9,添加表格背景…
Vue.js not detected有时候npm不行 要用yarn yarn run build,可以
终于好了,把mainf……里面的false改成true, 再yarn run build一次
再打开一个项目,yarn serve, 8080页面,再就好了。
目录 SceneView类的常用属性SceneView类的常用方法vue3中使用SceneView类创建三维地球项目准备引入ArcGIS API创建Vue组件在OnMounted中调用初始化函数initArcGisMap创建Camera对象Camera的常用属性Camera的常用方法 要在Vue 3中使用ArcGIS API for JavaScript加载和展示三维地…
安装nodejs,vue2, vue3 安装nodejs 安装nodejs
> brew install nodeError: You are using macOS 11.7. We do not provide support for this pre-release version. You will encounter build failures with some formulae. Please create pull requests instead…
Hmtl页面中Jquery实现复选框选择-全选-全不选-反选-提交 代码如下
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<meta http-equiv"Content-Type&…
Nuxt Server Api 阅读时长:15分钟 本文内容: 国内关于Nuxt3的资料太少了,而Nuxt3又发布了没有多久,导致资料太少。本文浓缩讲解了,对于一个前端开发,上手使用 Nuxt3,并一个人承担前后端开发的所…
本体对象属性和数据属性区别In this article we’ll cover an important issue for R. We will talk about the different types of data used in R. We will also learn about some basic operations on data types.在本文中,我们将介绍R的重要问题。我们将讨论R中…
[plugin:vite:import-analysis] Failed to resolve import “axios” from “src/utils/axios.js”. Does the file exist? 这是什么bug?
[vite] Internal server error: variable link-color is undefinedPlugin: vite:cssFile: /Users/ivyone/hami54/guagua1/sr…
[Vue warn]: Property or method “tableData” is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive, either in the data option, or for class-based components, by initializing the property
ERROR Failed to compile with 1 error …
<p id"demo"></p>
var myVarsetInterval(function(){myTimer()},1000);
function myTimer(){
var dnew Date();
var td.toLocaleTimeString();
最终效果 vs code 添加vue文件模板用于通过简写自动生成代码 操作步骤如下
1.找到vue模板代码编写入口 2.修改模板内容 2.1 vue.json内容
{// Place your snippets for vue here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and// description. T…
在Visual Studio Code (VSCode) 中配置 Vue.js 开发环境需要一些设置和安装扩展,以确保你能够高效地编写和调试Vue.js应用程序。以下是一些常见的配置步骤: 安装Visual Studio Code:如果还没有安装VSCode,首先要确保你已经下载并安…
完美解决 node.js 模块化后报错 ReferenceError: require is not defined
html 加载时发生了什么
跨域问题Access to XMLHttpRequest’from origin ’ has been blocked by CORS…Access-Control-Allow-Origin
跨域问题解决方案:CORS Access to XMLHttpRequest at ‘’ from origin ’ has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn’t…
作者:wsafight,原文:https://github.com/wsafight/personBlog/issues/2在开发 web 应用程序时,性能都是必不可少的话题。对于webpack打包的单页面应用程序而言,我们可以采用很多方式来对性能进行优化,比方说…
MutationObserverIntersectionObservergetComputedStyle()getBoundingClientRectrequestAnimationFrameMutationObserver MutationObserver 是一个可以监听 DOM 结构变化的接口。当 DOM 对象树发生任何变动时,MutationObserver 会得到通知。APIMutationObserver 是一…
import axios from axios;
import { ElNotification, ElMessageBox, ElMessage, ElLoading } from element-plus;
import { saveAs } from file-saver;
import store from /store;
import { getToken } from /utils/token;
import errorCode from /utils/errorCode…
背景Table 表格组件在 Web 开发中的应用随处可见,不过当表格数据量大后,伴随而来的是性能问题:渲染的 DOM 太多,渲染和交互都会有一定程度的卡顿。通常,我们有两种优化表格的方式:一种是分页,另…
pinia-plugin-persistedstate 旨在通过一致的 API 为 Pinia Store 提供持久化存储。如果希望保存一个完整的 Store,或者需要细粒化配置 storage 和序列化的方式,该插件都提供了相应的功能,并且可以在想要持久化的 Store 上使用相同的配置。
Problem: too much JavaScript in your page to handle 3rd party widgets (e.g. Like buttons) Possible solution: a common piece of JavaScript to handle all third parties needs 问题:页面中JavaScript太多,无法处理第三方的小部件(例如ÿ…
npm ERR! node-sass4.13.0 postinstall: node scripts/build.js npm config set sass_binary_sitehttps://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/node-sass npm install npm run dev Microsoft Windows [版本 10.0.19045.2965]
(c) Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。C:\Users\Administr…